About Coaching Courses

Dieses Thema im Forum "International Board" wurde erstellt von deepindraw, 24. September 2013.

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  1. Hello,
    I have been living in Bremen for almost 3 years now and I am originally from Nepal.I am a 28year old student of masters in Engineering at HS Bremen. I used to play football at local level and from my University in Nepal(not in any special leagues though). I have also played few matches from Erasmus Students Group in Uni-Bremen.I have been always passionate about football. So,I was looking to make some career in Football coaching. I have done A2 level of German language course also but it would be better for me if I could find the courses in English.Therefore,I would like to get some informations/links about the football coaching courses available in Bremen or nearby area. I want to develop myself in the future being able to coach my national team at least. So,I would really appreciate the information regarding this. Many Thanks!

    Basnet Deependra
  2. el_ben


    Hinterm Mond gleich links
    I would say the best place in Bremen would be to ask at the Bremer Fußball-Verband about any coaching courses. I think they at least offer the basic courses. For the higher degrees you have to go to the DfB directly.
    Don't know about languages, but probably most of it in german.

    Their office is located in one of the towers at the northside of the Weserstadion, so maybe just go there and ask them about it, if you haven't done so already.

  3. Thank you very much for the information...I will do it :)